A Wide Range of Youth and Gang Prevention Programs
“The PIM Project Presents…”
The PIM Project has a new series that offers a customized form that offers excellent preventative interventionist training and workshops. These are geared towards providing positive self-development strategies to youth, adolescents, and young men and women.
The purpose of “The PIM Project Presents…” is to provide youth, adolescents, and young men involved in gangs with awareness concepts and self-actualization practices. We offer them a construct involving positive expression and imagery of self through creativity, pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, and willingness to give and serve society.
Through prevention, intervention, and mediation, we address various forms of societal conditions that lead to urban violence among the youth. As a training and workshop model, “The PIM Project Presents…” builds upon research concerning behaviors and standards outlined in various frameworks. These include:
- The Blueprint for Violence Prevention – Replication Initiative by the Center for the Study
- Prevention of Violence at the University of Colorado – Boulder
- Supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, a leader in identifying effective violence prevention (Juvenile Justice Bulletin, July 2004)
Programs We Offer
We provide a wide variety of programs, including Safe Zone and Mighty Mite Mentors. These are designed to help youths avoid being involved in gang activities. In addition, we have several workshops that could help you, such as:
If You Don’t Know, You’re in Denial
This is a workshop created to inform members of the broader community of progressive problems concerning youth and youth violence. The workshop series offers awareness tips to parents and other youth, strategies for preventative measures, conflict resolution, and peer engagement.
Greater Than You Know
We provide lessons in self-actualization and positive self-development for youth and young adults. Through this workshop, we motivate attendees to look inward, envision, actualize, and identify tangible aspects of a better lifestyle. In addition, we will encourage them how to model behaviors of positive contributors to the larger society.
Principles for Change and Engagement
After examining previous at-risk youth involvement models and programs in Boston, we will build upon existing frameworks of prevention, intervention, and mediation by a comprehensive form of strategies through “The PIM Project Presents…” We will implement various services to address salient and target problems that could lead to violence among our focus population through a comprehensive approach.
We provide comprehensive approaches, involving multiple interventions in multiple settings relative to urban youth and its gangs. These refer to the importance of having several interventions addressing the problem behavior. “Multiple settings” then refers to the need to engage the systems that have an impact on the development of the problem behavior. This is according to Nation, Crusto, Wandersman, Kumpfer, Seybolt, Morrissey-Kane, and Davino in 2003.
According to Sagrestano and Paikoff in 1997, studies show that combined forms of engagement in various settings involving parent, peer, and school interventions support positive outcomes.
We promote the need for comprehensive approaches to change through our workshops.

Another principle for change and engagement involves the formation of positive relationships. As experts in gang culture, our presenters raise awareness that concerns youth and violence, gang culture relative to groups and neighborhoods, and methods that identify young people who:
- Are categorically identified as at-risk or proven risk young individuals of color
- Require the establishment of trusting relationships
- Need various forms of community services
Get in Touch With Us
Reach out to our friendly team today if you are interested in what we do. We look forward to working with you soon.